feb 4/RUN

4.1 miles
minnehaha falls and back
7 degrees / feels like 2

Lots of layers today. Too many. Under the jacket and pull-over and sweatshirt and shirt I was sweating. Like yesterday, the first mile was hard. I had several small victories as I pushed through moments of wanting to cut the run short.

10 Things

  1. happy, wild kids on the playground — I thought I heard one kid call out, thank you thank you thank you then Sara Sara Sara
  2. a bird singing — couldn’t quite hear the tune, just understood it was a bird
  3. the few times I ran on snow it crunched — crisp, compact
  4. the falls were dribbling over the ledge
  5. 2 vehicles in the parking lot, one of them was a pick-up truck
  6. a car honking far behind me in the parking lot — were they honking at me?
  7. a pink plastic bag in the small wood near the ford bridge — full of something
  8. a few walkers, one woman bundled up, wearing a white mask over her mouth and nose
  9. several fast runners, speeding by me
  10. the river was almost all white

Chanted some tripe berries, then triple birds, partly inspired by hearing Kacey Musgraves’ song, Cardinal, last night:


the purple hour

I have eliminated Facebook from my morning routine and I’m not missing it at all. No gnus is good gnus with Gary Gnu*. Maybe I’ll check the news once a week? So, instead of Facebook, I went straight into poets.org then Poetry Foundation then poems.com. On Poetry Foundation, I found a wonderfully titled essay, The Joy of Attention by Jasmine Dreame Wagner. The whole essay is great and I’d like to return to it. When she mentioned Carolyn Forché’s Blue Hour (which I’ve requested from my local library), an idea slowly, or not so slowly, crept into my consciousness: doing a variation of Wagner’s experiment — going to the same place at the same time every day, giving attention, then listing what you notice (without metaphor) — that involves my restlessness/insomnia at night and calling it Purple Hour. At 1 A.M. last night, sitting at the dining room table, up because of restless legs, I wrote, What color is restlessness? Then I wrote: purple / grayish purple. My answer, I’m sure, was inspired by Alice Oswald, her lecture Interview with Water and her mention of purple in Nobody. In the exercise, Wagner suggests writing in a notebook. Should I do that, or type it up in a document?

To go back to that bucket of water — to wave a blue gown above it and ask, What is that color which Homer calls porfurium? It is not blue exactly; it gets translated as purple but purple is a settled color whereas Homer’s word is agitated. It derives from the sea verb porfurion which means to roll without breaking, so it is already a fluid word, a heaped up word, a word with underswell, not a pigment but an emanation from the nature of water. To get a true sense of porphyrion you need to see the sea in it and for Homer the sea is unhuman full of strange creatures missed colored unplowable and this is my favorite word it is a peritone meaning unfenced. If you want to imagine the colour of Odysseus’ gown you will have to swim out into the unfenced place, the place not of definitions but of affirmations. Yes I’m afraid you will have to find your way to the p volume of Johnson’s unwritten dictionary. There you will discover a dark light word an adjective for edgelessness — a sea word used also of death smoke cloth mist blood between bluish purple and cobalt mauve. It appears mid-ocean when the wind perhaps makes a network of backblowing glitters that the underswell moves sideways as when a big sea swells with noiseless waves. It is used of the heart meaning his heart was a heaving not quite broken wave. It indicates a surface but suggests a depth a mutation of flatness or noiseless sheen, a sea creature, a quality of caves, any inlet or iodine or shaded stone, a type of algae or rockfish, anything excessive or out of focus or subliminal — for example: a swimmer seen from underneath, a rotting smell, a list of low sounds, an evening shadow or sea god, a whole catalogue of simmering grudges storms waves and solitudes or deep water including everyone who has drowned in it. To be purpled is to lose one’s way or name, to be nothing, to grieve without surfacing, to suffer the effects of sea light. to be either sleepless or weightless and cut off by dreams — find yourself in the silence underneath an overhanging way that or thereabouts is the color of a bluish violet ultramarine gown so the great poet sang.

Interview with Water

from Paean to Place/Lorine Niedecker

How much less am I
in the dark than they?

Effort lay in us
before religons
at pond bottom
all things move toward
the light

Except those
that freely work down
to ocean’s black depths
in us an impulse tests
the unknown

from Nobody/ Alice Oswald

The sea she said and who could ever drain it dry
has so much purple in its caves the wind at dusk
incriminates the waves
and certain fish conceal it in their shells
at ear-pressure depth
where the shimmer of headache dwells
and the brain goes



purples to think about: heels echoing, doors creaking closed, deep pits. The gentle, queer curve of a branch towering over the trail — as I ran under it I thought, that’s very purple. Then the face of a child in the midst of bellowing frustration — I didn’t see their face, but I imagined it could be a deep purple. Purple whispers in the trees.

Mary Ruefle’s Purple Sadness

some guidelines on the experiment

[from Wagner, things to observe]

  • Record what you see, hear, smell, feel, and taste during each visit.
  • Aim to record at least six new observations each time.
  • On days when you’re pressed for time, allow yourself to simply record: “ailanthus, roof moss, fireplace wood smoke, fence squirrel, birdbath.” Phrases can be just as powerful as full sentences.
  • Note the small observations as much as the significant ones: “eclipse.”
  • When you notice that something in the visual field has changed, be sure to reflect on this change.
  • Observe movement in addition to stasis.
  • Pay attention to the appearance of new items and the absences of others.
  • Familiarize yourself with the specifics of your environment.
  • Resist the urge to create metaphor or simile; instead, log what you see. Recognize the world for what it is.

After recording your observations for a few days or weeks or years, Wagner suggests reflecting on the process of this experience by writing in reverse — starting at the back of the notebook and writing until you reach the first entry. Write in the margins and any empty spaces; “write until your reflections on your process become entangled with your observations; let the notebook become a gnarled and ecstatic poem.”

While Wagner writes everything by hand in a notebook, I might try typing up and/or dictating my observations, printing them out and then writing all over the printed paper. I’m thinking my approach will be be better for my weak eyes.

Will I stick to pure observation? I’m not sure; I might experiment with different ways of understanding my restlessness, and the purple of it all.

*After double-checking how to spell Gary Gnu, I decided to look up the theme song for The Great Space Coaster. Yes! You’re welcome future Sara!

It’s the great space coaster, get on board

feb 3/RUN

4.4 miles
minnehaha falls and back
22 degrees
50% snow-covered

It snowed last night. 1 or 2 inches. By the time I went out for a run after noon, the sidewalks and bike path were cleared. I didn’t need to wear my yaktrax, but I did, so I was able to run on the snow-covered walking path. Fun! The snow was soft and slick but not slippery.

The first mile felt tough — my lower back was a bit sore — and I wasn’t sure I could make it all the way to the falls, but I stopped at the bench above the edge of the world to admire the view, then kept moving forward until I reached the falls. There was a moment in the 44th street parking lot where I thought about turning off and descending to the Winchell Trail to walk back but at the last minute I just kept going on the double bridge towards the falls. It felt less like deciding to keep going, and more like deciding not to not keep going, or not deciding anything, just continuing to do what I was already doing. I often think about and remember the moment before/ the moment of deciding to stop or give up or turn around or not. Once it’s decided, it’s over. Sometimes I have to stop, but other times I could have pushed through and kept going. One of the my goals: push through those moments.

There were at least 2 other people walking by the falls and one park plow. Anyone else? I don’t think so. It was quiet; no water falling, or creek rushing. Were there any cars in the parking lot? I don’t remember noticing.

The river was white and so was the sky and the sun. I stopped at Godfrey to let a car cross and noticed a BIG bird soaring above me. What a wing span! An eagle, maybe?

10 more things

  1. Kids laughing on the playground
  2. a few stretches of deep snow where the walking and biking trail split
  3. the smell of cigarettes as a car drove by
  4. bare pavement then a thin strip of snow on the edge of the bike path
  5. thin, short poles, placed on the edge of the sidewalk to alert plows and people of where the path is
  6. the rumble of a plow approaching in the park
  7. the green gate above the falls — closed and locked
  8. briefly running parallel to someone with a dog on the snow-covered boulevard between the river road and edmund
  9. the falls, frozen, almost all white with one dark spot off to the side
  10. the sledding hill near godfrey was empty but covered in snow, ready to be used by someone — maybe after school?

Read on a message/poetry board in someone’s yard: What are you doing to protect democracy? I initially wrote this in response: A great question, and one to ask, and try to answer, every day. But now, thinking about it some more, I don’t like the use of “protection.”

What are you doing today to support democratic communities? What are you doing to help and prevent harm? Or maybe: What can you do today to resist totalitarianism? What could you do today to make space for more stories?

sleep dreams attention distraction

I haven’t figured out my monthly theme yet, but I am orbiting around some things: dreams, sleep, insomnia, restlessness, distraction, non-thought, reverie, stillness, Anne Carson, JJJJJerome Ellis and stuttering, the space between beats or fully inside the beat. Swirling, looping, circling — not coming or going in any one direction, but surrounding.

Today’s cluster is inspired by recent encounters with:


Distraction is a time between times, a time in which we become momentarily subject to the non-thought inside thought.

In Search of Distraction


Is it, in fact, good to pay attention? Whose purposes does it serve?


The loudest calls to attention have been directed toward subordinates, schoolchildren, and women. “Atten-TION!” military commanders shout at their men to get them to stand straight. The arts of attention are a form of self-discipline, but they’re also ways to discipline others.


Successful attention capitalists don’t hold our attention with compelling material, but, instead, snatch it over and over with slot-machine gimmicks. They treat us as eyeballs rather than individuals.


Is the ostensible crisis of attention, at bottom, a crisis of authority? Is “people aren’t paying attention” just a dressed-up version of “people aren’t paing attention to me?


Ours is an era of obsession as much as distraction, of long forms as much as short ones, of zeal as much as indifference.

Check This Out/ Daniel Limmerwahr



The best remedy for insomnia, as with most things in life, is learning to live with it. In time, we come to understand that the psychological cost of stressing over sleeplessness is greater than the physical cost of not having slept, and so we adjust.
Insomnia is a mark of the insubordinate imagination.
To be awake is to be alive. Mind racing at 3 A.M., we are in tune with what may be the truly unique, only-once-in-the-universe gift of consciousness. That’s some comfort. We’ll sleep long enough soon enough.

Chasing a Dream/ Adam Gopnik

feb 1/RUN

5.1 miles
bottom franklin hill and back
28 degrees / feels like 11
wind: 31 mph gusts

Windy and colder today. For mental strength required when I was running up the hill and into the wind. Did my reciting a poem per mile experiment: We grow accustomed; A Murmur; A lane of yellow led the eye; Tell all the truth; and It’s all I have to bring today. I struggled with the last one and the line, Be sure you count –should I forget/Some one the sum could tell. Not as easy today. I think it was the wind that made it hard.

10 Things

  1. Hi Dave!
  2. birds flying out of the trees, almost like leaves being scattered by the wind
  3. a leaf swirling near the ground, looking like a darting bird
  4. loud rustling on the edge of the trail — a squirrel? a bird? the wind?
  5. beep beep beep the alarm on the trestle going off — not a train but some other moving thing — people walking or biking?
  6. the stacked limestones under the franklin bridge are looking even more like a person — I bet someone has stacked them to look this way
  7. 2 e-bikes zooming past me, I watched the red lights on their saddles flashing as they disappeared
  8. a panel of the fence is missing on the double bridge near 33rd. I’ve seen it before but only today did I wonder what happened. Did a car hit it? On the other side of the fence there’s only air and river far below
  9. the river is just barely iced over and looking cold
  10. overheard: I don’t know Gene’s kid

Like a lot of people, I’m trying to avoid much of the news about executive orders and project 2025. It’s a delicate balance: stay informed enough but not too much. Today the balanced was tipped to too much when I read an article about stripping women of their rights in the name of “personhood” someone shared on Facebook. It might be time to eliminate Facebook from my morning practice.

It’s a new month and time for a new challenge. After revisiting an article this morning — In Search of Distraction — I’m thinking that might be it, distraction. Or wandering or dreaming or reverie.

Here’s a line from the essay, to get me started:

Distraction is a time between times, a time in which we become momentarily subject to the non-thought inside thought. And this is the time — or one of the times — of poetry. Attention can be helpful later on as part of the process of revision, but for vision itself poets stand in need of distraction.