In May, I didn’t have a focus. Instead, I encountered many different ideas. Here are some I’d like to remember and return to:
- “you begin imperceptibly relaxing your own spiritual narrowness and start to notice yourself doing the unthinkable. You start loving others beyond the usual perimeter of your affection.” (may 2)
- the poet, Jorie Graham (may 3, may 4)
- using the painful minutes I’m waiting for a girl to go to school as a time to write (may 6)
- a new regular: Mr. Holiday (may 10)
- Robin Wall Kimmerer (may 15)
- attention is magic (may 16)
- ME! (may 17)
- “you should never write a poem till you can feel it in your bones.” — Alice Oswald (may 19)
- soft attention, noticing, the periphery (may 20)
- Someone is Writing a Poem/ Adrienne Rich (may 23)
- fun with acronyms: I.T. could mean something (may 24)
- the importance of love and joy: Chen Chen, Teju Cole, Haniq Abdurrabqib (may 29)
- harryette Mullen and Urban Tumbleweed (may 31)