63 degrees
dew point 53
70% humidity
mississippi river road path, north/mississippi river road path, south
Got a late start because of rain, so decided to do my shorter run today. Listened to the new Lorde album while I ran. Managed to hear the daily walker say good morning to me and answered back with my own good morning. Felt pretty good, despite the heat and high dew point. Other than saying good morning, I don’t remember that much about the run.
open swim
2 loops/2400 yards
A good swim. The waves were choppy on the way back from the little beach to the big beach, which I don’t mind. I feel tired and have a warm glow all over, from sore muscles. So wonderful. I love swimming across the lake. It’s so much better than swimming in a pool, doing endless laps and flip turns.
So, what do I think about when I’m swimming?
- Where’s the buoy?
- Am I still on course?
- Any other swimmers around that I might run into?
- There are a lot of airplanes in the sky today.
- Is my nose plug working, or will my nose get horribly stuffed up around midnight and keep me up all night because I can’t breathe?
- Should I do a third loop?
- These waves aren’t bothering me too much, just tiring me out.
- The buoys are a little screwed up and messing with my big beach to little beach trajectory.
- My calf feels fine.
- I can’t believe it’s summer already and I’m swimming in the lake.
My thoughts during an open swim are really mundane. Because of my vision problems, I spend a lot of time trying to site the buoys and stay on the course. I really don’t need to spend that much time on it. I’m an excellent swimmer who swims straight and rarely strays too far. Maybe I can train myself to focus more on the textures and sensations of the swim next time?