sept 4/RUN

4 miles
river road, north/south
65 degrees

Cooler again this morning. Fall is coming. Last night, over at Minnehaha Falls having some beers at Sea Salt, Scott and I were talking about September and how it’s in-between summer and fall. I mentioned an W.S. Merwin poem (To the Light of September) about the light in September and the subtle ways everything is shifting. I remembered the idea of the poem, but not the words, so this morning I decided to start memorizing it. I memorized the first half, with its glint of bronze in the chill mornings and fall as something already here but only as a name that tells of it, whether it is present or not. Throughout the run, I recited the lines in my head. Did I see evidence of fall? Not that I recall. No discarded acorns or changing leaves of glints of bronze.