july 15/RUN

4.2 miles
minnehaha falls and back
73 degrees / dew point: 69

Woke up early, but thunderstorms were coming so I had to wait until after 10 to go out for my run. Gloomy, dark green, thick, but a slightly better run. Ran longer before I stopped to walk. Felt stronger while I ran. Kept running farther after I walked before stopping again. Progress!

10+ Things

  1. the usual puddles have returned, blocking the sidewalk (one block over) and the trail (near the entrance to the locks and dam no. 1)
  2. more big branches down, or the same big branches from last week’s storm, not yet removed
  3. dripping sewer pipes at 42nd and 44th
  4. mud and dirt washed up onto the asphalt
  5. exuberant kids running around the grass at minnehaha park
  6. roaring falls
  7. passing by 2 surreys biking up from wabun
  8. a soaked backpack in a driveway, half open, clothes slipping out, 2 books next to it, one of them with the pages rolled over
  9. a pile of clothes tucked under the trees next to the path between the locks and dam no. 1 and the ford bridge
  10. 2 roller skiers, their poles clicking and clacking on the pavement
  11. a chainsaw in the distance — below in the gorge?

wildlife update: Scott talked with a company who informed him that a wasp nest can’t just be removed because the wasps will build another one; it needs to be treated. One problem: it is illegal in Minnesota to treat fruit trees and the wasp nest is in our crab apple tree. Oh well, I guess our neighbors are staying.