3.6 miles
marshall loop
70 degrees
Another run with sore legs. I ran all the way up the marshall hill without stopping to walk. Didn’t stop to walk until I got back to the bridge. Then I put in a playlist.
10 Things I Noticed
- 2 tiny dogs in a fenced-in yard a few blocks from my house barking tiny, yippy, delightful barks
- waveless water — no ripples or sparkles, flat and blue
- heading east: no rowers
- returning west: at least one rowing shell, far off to the south
- equal numbers of runners, bikers, and walkers (last week it was mostly bikers)
- the soft trickling of water at shadow falls
- voices below in the gorge, voices behind slowly approaching
- rounding a corner near minnehaha academy: a refreshing sprinkler/mister!
- at the top of the hill, near summit, a graduation party already in full swing at 8:45 am
- lots of birds making noise — can’t remember any one bird, just birds
No roller skiers or radios. No brightly colored running shirts (but several runners without a shirt). No honking geese or drumming woodpeckers or floating cottonwood fuzz or gnats.
Yesterday I forgot to mention that I saw someone on a unicycle! At first I thought the biker was just really tall. Nope, he was on a unicycle. Nice.
wordle challenge
5 tries — mouth/ready/blank/gnaws/again
empty, again
your mouth may be
ready but your mind
is blank. A hunger
for words gnaws at your throat.