.75 miles
ywca pool
Swam with my 16 year old daughter this morning! She used to be on the swim team and was really good. Then she stopped for years. I hope she starts again. She’s a great swimmer and it was fun to swim next to her. Because I was swimming with her, and it was her first time back, and we have to leave to pick up her brother from college in the late morning, I only had time to swim 1325 yards. Felt good. Noticed that the man next to me was missing part of his leg, from the kneecap down. Wondered how it felt to be moving through the water — more freeing? awkward? hard? easy?
Noticed more people wearing masks as they moved around the locker room and near the track. Was there more masks, or was I just noticing them more? Should I be wearing a mask in the locker room? Will masks be required again sometime this winter?