may 14/RUN

3.25 miles
mississippi river road path, south/north
66 degrees

A nice morning for a run. Hardly any wind. Clear paths. Today, running south, I noticed the big boulders lining the path. How many? 5 or 6 spread out on the way to the falls. Ran the first half with headphones up above. The second, without down below, on the old path. Didn’t really look at the river much because I was tired and too focused on avoiding potholes and cracks. Heard the water falling (not trickling or gushing) down through the sewer pipe near 42nd street. Stopped at the drinking fountain at 35th street parking lot.

Birds Punctuate the Days
Joyce Clement

the nuthatch inserts itself
between feeder and pole

two mallards drifting
one dunks for a snail

a mourning dove
lifts off

a red-eyed vireo catches
the crane fly midair

a down feather
bobs between waves

exclamation point
wren on the railing
takes notice

mergansers paddle toward
morning trout swirl

em dash
at dusk a wild goose
heading east

question mark
the length of silence
after a loon’s call

one blue egg all summer long
now gone

I love these haikus. My favorite? exclamation point/wren on the railing/takes notice